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New Member Packet at MAG - Suggestions?

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Old 04-28-2009, 04:13 PM
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New Member Packet at MAG - Suggestions?

OK, MAG take 3...

I was over at MAG today for a spot of warranty work. While there, I discovered that MINI has yet another new Sales Manager, Mark Barry.

For the viewers at home just joining our program, I've been tryinng to grow our ties with MAG literally for YEARS. I see clubs like Cinci's club, or the group up in Pittsburgh, clubs that can get 100-150 people at an organized event, and wish that WE had the level of dealer and MINI support they have. Up until now, though, the sales team at MAG has been... well...

Cut to today, and Mark Barry. Mark, it turns out, used to be the sales manager over at Cinci, which is great, because he really seems to "get it" when it comes to supporting the enthusiast community.

To that end, we're talking (yet again) about putting together a "New Owners' Kit" that would be given to new MINI owners, letting them know about the existance of the club. The idea is that new MINI folks shouldn't HAVE to find US, we should be goinng straight to them, using the friendly dealer to spread the word.

So, I'm wondering what you guys would suggest we include in the packet? SO far, we have suggested:

1. Contact Sheet - containing my email address, the MOM site URL, and the NAM local club URL.

2. A 10% discount coupon for new accessories (MAG will provide).

3. A sheet detailing the "3rd Saturday Coffee and Donut" meeting (need a better name, IMHO) - map of the location, dates/times, etc.

I'm hoping that we can get:

4. A print-out of the next 3 months' upcoming activities (taken hopefully from the MOM site's calendar. QUESTION: is it up to date?)

5. A coupon/ad section from Aaron at Outmotoring (I'll ask him directly).

What else? The idea is to make a single master copy that we'd ask MAG to photocopy and put in an envelope for all new MINI owners. I can take care of emailing updated copies to the sales manager at MAG.

Hopefully this sales manager will stick around for a while... the last guy that seemed to see tbhe value in working with the club dissappeared one day. Possibly eaten by sharks or somehting...
Old 04-28-2009, 06:50 PM
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My suggestion, since you asked.... If it works don't fix it. What we have is great. A bunch of friends who share a love of their MINI's.

Please do not include any of the disorganized car events I have done or am about to do into your plans to assimilate us into the MAG MINI club. Nothing against you or MAG, just don't see any need for what you are attempting to do here.


Old 04-28-2009, 07:26 PM
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Seems like the people who want to find us can do so pretty easily. I did --without buying a car at MAG.
Old 04-29-2009, 10:22 AM
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I've been thinking about this every since the Amish drive when the topic got brought up around a potential launch party for the new 'Verts at MAG. I think it is great that they have invited us over for some events and seem to be very friendly when I go in to kick tires during service. I think that it is great that they would be willing to pass something out to new owners to help them find us and extend our laid back family.

The other side of me is leary about bringing MAG into the mix. It kind of feels like selling out for some reason. I mean, I have had so much fun over the last two years of hanging out with all of you in our simple club that adding MAG to the mix seems like an un-needed complication.
Old 04-29-2009, 10:47 AM
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Sorry to barge in here, but this is a very interesting topic to say the least. I must tell you fine folks that the CinciMINIs normally have small turnout to our events. I would say the average event has 10-15 MINIs currently. The only time we have massive attendance to an event is the Concours event in June where our dealer Cincinnati MINI hosts, pays for tickets ($25 a person) and invites us and all of their MINI customers. That event has had 80-90 MINIs attend, but free tickets to one of the premier auto shows in the country is a HUGE incentive. This thread makes me start to think about what direction our club should go as well on many different levels. All I can say is both sides of the topic are legit.
Old 04-29-2009, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by casanewt
Sorry to barge in here, but this is a very interesting topic to say the least. I must tell you fine folks that the CinciMINIs normally have small turnout to our events. I would say the average event has 10-15 MINIs currently. The only time we have massive attendance to an event is the Concours event in June where our dealer Cincinnati MINI hosts, pays for tickets ($25 a person) and invites us and all of their MINI customers. That event has had 80-90 MINIs attend, but free tickets to one of the premier auto shows in the country is a HUGE incentive. This thread makes me start to think about what direction our club should go as well on many different levels. All I can say is both sides of the topic are legit.
This is our experience as well - usually about 10-15 cars at an informal event.

I know that Chuck likes the size we're at, but I'd like to see us doing more. I'd like to see us considered for things like Tots For Tots runs and cross-club tours and BBQs and many of the things that I did when I was a Honda motorcycle enthusiast. Back then, we used all the resources at our disposal to "get the word out" regarding the club's existence, and one of those resources were our local Honda dealers.

I'm not sure what "involvement" people might be concerned with re: MAG - so far all they've volunteered is their putting our club flyers into people's hands at the time of a new or pre-owned MINI sale, and a discount coupon for dealer-installed accessories that people would probably be considering purchasing anyway. Doesn't sound like TOO big a sell-out to me...

In any case, I'm certainly not asking for anyone to volunteer or take any of their already scarce spare time to help me with this. If anyone WANTS to assist, I'd be glad to have you (I could really use someone that could mock up our club flyer, for example), but this club has always been and shall continue to be a free and casual group - I'm just trying to get MORE people to come and have fun with us.

Given the abysmal ratio of MINI non-wavers vs. wavers I see out on the roads (at least 20:1), I don't think that many peoplee even know we're out there. Seems like every time I speak with a MINI owner I don't know in a parking lot or gas staion (happens all the time when I'm in my classic), they tell me some variation of "There's a CLUB? Where do you guys meet?".
Old 04-29-2009, 06:29 PM
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Yep always room for more MINI owning friends, the more the merrier. I don't understand why things can't remain the same & the sudden urge to become something else. As I like to say... if it works don't fix it. Matt I know you think bigger is better, but that isn't always the case. I seem to remember going through all of this in the not too very distant past & the majority of folks liked what we now have.

Personally I see no need for MAG involvement. Our good friends at Outmotoring are doing a splendid job of getting the word out. If you want folks to know about us why not make some cards up & tag the MINI's you see. I'd like to hear Aaron's take on this. IMO he is the founding father of our group.

Seems like we do have a good turn out at our little events. Lots of happy MINI owners at the last breakfast & drive. Some folks from Cleveberg even came down & had lunch with us. If I'm remembering correctly something like 21 routes were handed out. Yep a good turn out.

Old 04-29-2009, 07:36 PM
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I too like the casual group of MINI friends that meet for breakfast, take some drives together and share the good times with each other unencumbered by structure, rules, commitments and such. I enjoy seeing everyone once a month and on some occassions more than that.

Recently, when I replaced my '04 with a new '09 I looked seriously at several other cars...EVO, STI, Civic SI Vtec and a new 135. I stayed with MINI ownership not only because I enjoy the car, but moreso because I enjoy the fellowship of our group.

Therefore I cast this commitment to all MOM members...do whatever everyone wants to do with structure, size, invitations, events, sponsorships, etc., I will continue to come to breakfast once a month and join in on any event that provides me with the things I enjoy in a climate similar to the present. Don't ask me to pay dues - I won't, don't ask me to come to meetings - I won't, don't ask me to support a larger group if it changes my enjoyment level - I won't. I will remain who I am, enjoying the friendships that you have afforded me and will continue to be yours in a mutually enjoyable environment.

Has any one been watching reruns of TOP GEAR?
Old 04-29-2009, 07:50 PM
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Selling out might have been harsh. I think that casanewt made a good point with is comment about how when the Cinci dealer sponsors an event and invites their club and all of the dealerships customer, that is when they had huge turnouts. When MAG has set up events, do they extend that invite to all their customers? I don't know since I didn't buy my car from MAG.

As far as some of the events you mentioned, I think they are good ideas. I feel that the approach that Chuck takes to promote his drives works well, he puts it out there and whoever is interested signs up. There is no pressure to participate in an offical club event. I would love to go on the River Run drive and go to all the events on the calendar that Aaron posted a couple of weeks ago, but I can't.

I agree that bigger is not always better. The Amish drive the other weekend was great and I think my favorite part was when Cooper, Ben, Sharon, and I were in our own little group playing catch up before lunch.
Old 04-29-2009, 11:14 PM
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Hmm. This seems to come up every few months doesn't it?

Just a couple of random thoughts...

I think it would not hurt us to get another "advertising" venue for MOM to let people know we exist. A dealership that sells the product our club is based on seems like an easy win. Lets keep in mind that just because someone gets a flyer mentioning MOM events, there is no reason to assume they will show up. Even if they do show up they may show only one time as it is not their cup of tea. Think of it as a rebate coupon, not everyone takes the time to send one in. Regardless, I do not think we will get a large ingress of people. If we do as long as we keep our current structure (or lack thereof) , is that so bad?

Also, our relationship with MAG is symbiotic whether we like it or not. We help people learn and get excited about Mini. If we have a bad experience with MAG, and let others know of the experience that could lead to lost revenue for MAG. So it is in their best interest to cultivate a relationship with MOM. While we benefit with a great service department and sales, MAG benefits with good word of mouth and returning customers. The relationship is already there, so maybe we should attempt to extract a benefit for MOM.

MOM almost misplaced it's founding father recently. Fortunately, we rigged the economy to blow up and keep him here (good job minions). The relationship between Outmotoring and MOM is very similar to the symbiotic one between as MOM and MAG. If anything, the relationship with Outmotoring is closer. So, if Outmotoring was no longer in CMH, I am certain that it would change some facet of MOM and probably not for the better. Anyway, many wise people have said, "Expect the best and prepare for the worst". Other people have said, "To be successful, take advantage of whatever opportunities are available" or simply, "Leave no stone unturned". I think if we can utilize MAG to get MOM's message out and keep our current structure (lack of), it is a win-win for MOM. If nothing else we have made connections to help MOM overall in the event the economy recovers and the founding father continues to pursue his goals (back to work minions!).

Maybe we keep it simple, and get a bunch of business cards made up describing MOM. Give them to the current members/MAG to handout and call it a day. No Muss, No Fuss.

Last edited by Nimcosi; 04-30-2009 at 12:20 AM.
Old 04-30-2009, 01:34 PM
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Maybe we keep it simple, and get a bunch of business cards made up describing MOM. Give them to the current members/MAG to handout and call it a day. No Muss, No Fuss.
Sounds like a good plan to me Jason. I know everyone in our group of friends would welcome anyone who wants to come join in the fun.

The 10% discount that MAG has offered while a nice gesture kind of strikes me as them buying our loyalty. Heck they are doing a stellar job of fixing our MINI's & for me that is enough to gain my loyalty. When anyone asks me where they should buy their MINI or have it serviced I tell them MAG, because they have earned that recommendation through their honesty with me & their hard work.

Brian, I bought my MINI at MAG. As far as I can tell MAG has not done any invitations to individual owners, but they do get the word out & we do manage to be there. The R56, Clubman roll out & the grand reopening of the de-smoked MINI showroom come to mind. A very nice gesture on MAG's part & they may have even sold a MINI or two because of it.

Mark, you have a good point. I believe I am stuck with my next car being a MINI. Too many good friends to lose if I buy that hot new Suzuki SX4 I lust after.

Old 04-30-2009, 05:18 PM
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Wait a minute right here. IF (I wish I could play with the font here to make that a really big IF) I buy a G8 I will still come to breakfast almost every month.

To me the Mini club is just a great bunch of people who just happen to own the same car today. I know as people replace cars some will stray, but I will forever value the friendships that have grown from my Mini ownership.
Old 04-30-2009, 06:57 PM
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Allen if you do get a G8 we can put some orange bits on it & you'll be motoring. Thanks for being our friend.
Old 05-01-2009, 04:03 AM
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[QUOTE=rigidjunkie;2752275] IF I buy a G8 I will still come to breakfast almost every month.

Just as long as you know that, according to page 53, paragraph 18c of our club member's directory, you will need to pay double annual membership fees and a fine of 40 Timbits for every breakfast you come to as a non-MINI owner---
24 Timbits if you still own a Subaru.

Old 05-01-2009, 05:06 AM
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I figured I could hide the entire club in the smoke that would be billowing from my rear wheels, so no new members would be able to find us, we would of course have to let the fire department know that the parking lot is not on fire
Old 05-01-2009, 09:53 AM
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When I first heard of you guys, about a year ago, I think, Chuck had a name for the type of MINI owners that you are. Suffering from crs, I can't recall what it was. Something about MINI owners that don't care, don't what a formal group....
help me out!
Whatever that word was it described you guys perfectly.
Old 05-01-2009, 12:07 PM
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Hello my name is ChucK & I am a LAME MINI owner.

Lazy A$$ MINI Enthusiast & proud of it !!!

I think our next event should be a charity event. All of our profits will go to finding a cure for CRS.....

Doctor Nick Riviera has been working hard to find a cure & with your help plus $129.95 he can. His perscription, take 6 Tim Bits & call him in the morning.

Last edited by Crashton; 05-01-2009 at 12:24 PM.
Old 05-04-2009, 03:55 PM
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WE decided up north to pattern our little group --- BRM (Burning River MiniS) from you guys. No dues, no "club", just fun. I think someone was going to contact Classic Mini about sponsoring "a club" here up north.....and .... a year later ---- Classic Mini is not a sponsor. Pittsburgh does have an awesome club but the effort and time involved has to be a tremendous amount of effort. We thought that would not be too much fun. We enjoy working on our minis a complicated club seemed like "work". I'll wait to see if any BRM "members" agree up here.
Old 05-06-2009, 07:46 AM
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When I bought my Mini over two years ago the primary purpose was so I could fit two cars in one garage slot. Then I fell in love with the Mini. Then I found NAM, then Aaron, then MOM and finally, the Papa Bear of this Club, the King Silverback, the Ultimate LAME - the guy who doesn't want to be a leader but is! I was never much into clubs. I guess it was Aaron who encouraged me to try a breakfast...and I did. Now, every month, I look forward to our breakfast and I so appreciate the friendships. You guys (and gals) are great! To hear Mark say he bought a new Mini because of this wonderful, informal club, says it all. When I've heard Chuck mention interest in other cars, I silently cringe. Let's keep Papa Bear happy - I'll stick with him. Peace, Andy
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